Cosmic Vibes: Welcome to Spring!
With the Spring Equinox occurring March 20th and the Sun moving into Aries, we are embarking on a fresh seasonal start, full of promise and hope!
Predictions for the start of the astrological new year!
By Lisa Stardust & Ammo O’Day
As we embark on the beginning of Aries Season, we are undertaking a new cycle. As we put the gloomy days of Winter behind us, it’s time to start fresh and relish in new projects and partnerships which have grown from seeds planted during the past several months.
March brings two Full Moons, a New Moon, and two planetary retrogrades. Enough cosmic action to propel us to the new vision. For the past month, we have been riding the emotional wave of Piscean waters. After 30 days of emotional shape shifting and daydreaming, we are all ready to take action as the Sun enters Aries on March 22nd.

We kick off March with the Full Worm Moon, which illuminates truths and deceptions in relationships. Venus and Mercury enter sparky Aries March 6th, adding zest to matters of love, money, and communication. Just be careful not to put your foot in your mouth, as Mercury Retrograde (which starts March 22nd) may cause impulsive and sparky messages to appear in your inbox. Jupiter starts moonwalking backwards on the 8th, testing our ideals and dedication until the summer. March 17th brings a New Moon in watery Pisces, as well as Mars’s ingress into Capricorn, giving us one last chance to incorporate the inspirational and intuitive watery Piscean energy into our personal lives. March ends with a rare Blue Moon (the second Full Moon in a month), forcing us to reevaluate partnerships, just as Venus enters her favorite sign, Taurus.
Happy Birthday, Aries! As you enjoy your Solar Return, your chart radiates with fierce liveliness. Lucky you! Expect lots of gifts this birthday season, as Goddess of Love Venus and messenger Mercury align with your Sun sign March 6th. With Mercury retrograde starting March 22nd, watch out for faulty communications. Make sure all your birthday invitations are mailed on time and double check your guest list. The Blue Moon March 31st will liven up your romantic heart, giving you the opportunity to vibe with a hot suitor on your birthday. Admit it Aries, this month you’re lit!
Relationships are on the forefront of your mind this month. After all, you love to be in love. The two Full Moons will open you up to caring more and working harder than ever to make partnerships work. Just make sure the feelings are reciprocated. With Jupiter retrograde in the relationship sector of your chart, you may set the bar high for the standard in which you are treated by and assert compassion to others. With Venus, your planetary ruler, linking up with your Sun on the last day of the month, expect to receive admiration and support from the most important person—yourself!
March highlights the career sphere of your chart, opening you up to new advancements at work. Even though you may become super busy at the office, try to make time for your friends. With your planetary ruler Mercury starting its retrograde journey March 22nd, be cognizant that correspondences with others may become sticky. As Mercury glides backwards, be sensitive and lend a caring ear to your crew.
The Full Worm Moon occurring March 1st serves as your wake up call from dreamland. Expect to be extremely busy for the first two weeks of the month, as you play catch up to texts, emails, and other important matters. The Blue Moon on March 31st forces you to balance out personal and work priorities, just as Mars enters your house of partnerships on March 17th, creating challenges around love.
Planning a luxurious trip around the world, Leo? Don’t let recent financial woes get in the way of your next big adventure. Minimizing your extravagant purchases this month will allow wiggle room for your escapades. Reevaluating and organizing your finances under the Full Moon March 1st and opening a savings account during the New Moon March 17th, will cosmically force you to be careful with your resources—so you can spend big money during the Blue Moon March 31st.
For the past month you have given 100% to all relationships. As the sun shifts from shape shifting Pisces into dominant Aries, it’s time to set boundaries with others. The Full Worm Moon allows you to finally put your needs first. Just be careful not to slip back into old habits, placing the needs of others before yours during the New Moon. With the Blue Moon and Mercury retrograding backwards, you have some wiggle room to set perimeters that work for you, without being a pushover.

Ghosts of relationships past may visit you during Mercury retrograde this month. Watch out for exes to reappear out of thin air. With Venus transiting your house of partnerships, you are equipped to handle conflicts, by using that charming Libra wit. The Blue Moon March 31st lights up the house of self, illuminating your desire to assert yourself and finally give yourself some much needed TLC.
As creative endeavors come to an end during the Full Worm Moon, you may be a little lost in the interim until the New Moon March 17th. During your downtime, try not to lust too hard over friendships—you don’t need validation from others—only yourself. As idealistic Jupiter retrogrades over your Sun sign, try to keep your faith and positivity flowing. Mars, moves into Capricorn on the 17th, highlighting your inherit leadership skills. Towards the end of the month, you will have the ability to convert the minds of the public and gain attention from friends through the power of words.
We all know Sagittarius’s love to have fun! Good news for you, Sag! March lights up the pleasure center of your chart. A chance encounter with an old lover may leave you starry eyed. Try not to swoon too hard and keep your hopes in check. Don’t hit the social scene too hard! Remember it’s important to find a restful balance this month. Overindulging may leave you exhausted, forcing you to skip some festivities—which is be a bummer because you are a natural party starter.
Mars links up with your Sun sign on March 17th, forcing you to take the initiative to get new projects started. People are hanging on your every word this month, Capricorn. Time to shake up the public with your dynamic energy. While you may be drawn to over extend yourself this month, consider using your hardworking effervescence to create stability with both the private and public areas of your life. Harmonizing these energies together will create stability and inner peace.
Your recent taste for the exotic, has led your passions to your front door. You may be craving much needed time in your neighborhood—chatting it up with neighbors and gossiping with close friends. As the Sun shines it’s light on your third house of local affairs, expect to spend time flirting with your local barista and joining a community project.
As the Sun shifts out of the deep Piscean seas, and into fiery Aries, your personal views may shift. After a month of unconditionally supporting others, March forces you to focus on yourself. This month allows you to heal, center yourself, and release relationships which are no longer serving you. You finally have the ability to see yourself clearly now—learn to love yourself more, flaws and all. It’s time to swim into the future with your newly found self esteem and strength.
Aries, ruled by the planet Mars, is the first sign of the zodiac. They are known born leaders, meeting challenges head on, and always ready for new experiences. Like Aries, the Emperor, seated on his throne, represents authority, initiative in the face of change and pushing past perceived boundaries to achieve goals.
What are you trying to bring into your life right now? Are you feeling personal doubt—unable to propel yourself forward? Is fear holding you back? Meditate on the Emperor card this Aries Season to channel power, fearlessness, and action.