Cosmic Vibes: May The Force Be With You
May brings positive changes for all, however gradually paced. Astrologer Lisa Stardust breaks things down for us in this month’s edition of Cosmic Vibes!
Last month was admittedly intense, but as the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers."
By Lisa Stardust
We ring in the month with the celebration of spring (and spring fever) with the pagan holiday, Beltane, on May 1st. Mercury, who has been moving backward for weeks finally leaves it’s post-retrograde shadow on the 4th, giving us all more mental clarity. With Mercury in the clear, we move forward with decisions and plans that we were making in the last few weeks. When Mercury shifts into Taurus on May 13th, making communication less flexible, overall, but the vibe will be very steady-as-we-go. Persistence is the name of the game.
The 12th of May is a pregame to Mars’s retrograde journey which starts on June 26th. As Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th, we should all take note to see the story, or themes and lessons we are learning during the retrograde. Taking action through humanitarian projects and spreading the gospel for the greater good will be activated with Mars in Aquarius. What do you feel like speaking up about? It’s time to find the words.
The Taurus new moon occurring on May 15th is a fertile time to cultivate your hopes and plant seeds for relationships. It reminds us to connect with our inner beauty and take a breather from our determined goal-getting to rest. Connect with nature and the inner-self—grounding oneself in the world to produce creative endeavors.

Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th, after eight years of roaming in Aries, starting a new cycle around Venusian matters (Taurus is ruled by Venus): love and money. Taurus likes hard work, so long as it’s worth it. Known as a revolutionary planet, Uranus brings shake-ups and break-ups to our lives—transforming the outdated with the new. The next eight years will be geared towards breaking down old structures (Uranus’s favorite activity!), honing in on what you value, and determining what is worth your efforts in the areas of partnership and work.
Venus switches signs on the 19th, entering nurturing Cancer. Giving to others is how we show we care, i.e., cooking, and sharing intimate thoughts will serve as a way we express love. Having close friends over for intimate gatherings, and facilitating an atmosphere of unconditional support will make you the mama bear of your crew. Use this loving energy to help, rather than getting swept up in a sea of your own emotions, which can leave you feeling temperamental.
Gemini Season starts on May 20th, making us more talkative and open to change. Gemini is the only sign in the sky that is represented by two people—their immortal twin. Be on the lookout for a new partner in crime (or have more fun with your current one). But be sure not to create mischief, as Jupiter and Neptune are exposing indecent acts on the 25th. This happens just in time for the Sagittarius full moon on May 29th (Memorial Day weekend!) which will remind us to operate on a higher level, behaving ethically and honestly to the best of our abilities at all costs. The month ends with Mercury shifting into Gemini, who is happily in its rulership, lifting our spirits and letting us bounce off the walls with excitement, laughter, and adventure!
May brings many changes to your individuality. Known for your quiet nature, Mercury gliding in on your Sun sign May 13th will make you expressive about your desires and eagerness to play with others. May 15th is a particularly important date for you. Not only is there a fertile New Moon highlighting your romantic sensibilities and your relationship with your inner-self, but Uranus slides into your Sun sign the same day, starting an 8-year cycle around individually. Known for your strong-willed personality, Uranus will invite many new changes your way as you take steps towards a new life path. This may be hard, as you struggle with change. However, transformation can initiate progress. Rage against authority, breaking down old structures in place of new. Welcome to the new, unique version of you! Remember, there’s only one! Rebel against the norm using your creativity and imaginations. As your planetary ruler Venus enters Cancer, you’ll be more inclined to connect with others through in-depth conversations. Finally, you can express your needs to others, which will inspire a boost of confidence on the 20th, as the sun shifts into Gemini.
The back-end of the month makes you other-oriented, when Jupiter and Neptune connect you to a higher power, asking you to use your inventiveness to help with a humanitarian project. Remember to try and respect the boundaries of others and avoid being to direct during the Full Moon May 29th. Stay in your lane to avoid drama.
Bust out the Ouija board and call in friendly spirits! This month brings you into focus in a metaphysical sense. Your open mind will connect you with a new interest in the occult, as Mercury rolls through your house of spirits. Whether or not you choose to communicate with the spiritual world, you will still honor your ancestors this month.
Your inquisitive nature will allow you to connect with life’s great mysteries as Uranus enters the spiritual sector of your chart, allowing you to be clairvoyant for the next eight years. Honor your intuition—don’t second guess yourself! The New Moon occurring May 15th will push you to a new psychic realm—connecting you to a higher plane of consciousness. Listen to your dreams! Be sure to write them down when you awaken. Dream journaling is a must. You are your own guide now: wake up and trust your gut!
After an out of this world trip, the 20th brings the focus back to you—allowing you to use your newly found insights to help others on May 29th. Mercury aligning with your Sun and the Full Moon in your partnership sector will give you lots to talk about with others. Share your new insights on life. Talk about your visions. People are excited to listen.
You say you want a revolution? Here you go! May brings swift growth to your humanitarian goals. Known for your nurturing tendencies, you are inclined to help the collective, rather than the self.
The first half of the month centers around directing your creative energies towards a cause to help shake the status quo and bring awareness through artistic means. Accessing your inner Bansky on May 19th will provoke much-needed conversation around politics and change, as Venus bestows you with artistic inclinations.
The 15th of May brings divine inspiration as Uranus and the New Moon act as catalysts to push you out of your shell and into the world protesting against society and spreading your truth to the masses. Your hard-shelled exterior can take a hit this month; you can handle it as long as you’re committing and projecting your core beliefs.

A child of the Sun, your inner diva loves to shine in the warm glow of light, having others watch in awe as you enjoy your gifts and curiosities. May pushes you further into the public eye, which would be a challenge for anyone but you; you love the spotlight and relish the platform.
Known for your artistic inclinations, you’ve finally found your niche. Your fan base is growing, and people are finally noticing! Dance in the limelight—rub elbows with the rich and famous, enjoy the hobnob life! Try not to argue with others as Mars will bring open enemies unto focus on May 12th to May 16th. Be patient and mature, avoiding the temptation for ruthlessness.
The caveat here may be that you desire more creative control over your career. You may let fame get to your head. Uranus coincides with the new moon on the 15th of the month in your professional sphere. Amendments are happening at work. Watch out for conflicts with the boss or an authority figure. You may be royalty at home but not at the office – know your place and don’t roar back! Your best bet is to play the game with your boss, which will likely bring you a raise on the 29th, as well as more overall fun.
The past eight years have seen significant transformations in finances and personal developments, while Uranus has been touring through your sign. You’re now ready to embrace your divine awakening when Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th. Use your pneuma and insights to start writing about personal experiences this month. Sharing your inner struggles and triumphs with others will build a following this month under the New Moon which will catapult you to become something of a guru.
Self-actualizing and motivational speaking will benefit your growth as well as your career. Once Mercury enters your career house on May 29th, your servitude will be revered by the public. People will flock to hear you speak. My only advice is to keep certain aspects of your life private, the Full Moon on the 29th acts as a reminder not to divulge your deepest secrets. Overall, May is an optimistic month. Your dedication to change has paid off. The dark knight of the soul is over—freeing both your bank account and mind. Feel the change! Sharing parts of your life story with others may lead to fame and even a possible autobiography.
Expect to quiver this month. Don’t be scared, lovely Libra! You can use your diplomatic sensibilities to charm your way out of any situation. The focus this month is all about rebirth. You’re shedding dead weight this spring to make way for summer—getting rid of people and things which no longer serve your greater good and the new you.
As Mercury highlights personal growth, you are chatting it up, making some notes on how to change your inner desires. Change is happening for you.
The good news is with Uranus moving out of your relationship zone, love, which has been a bit off the wall for the past eight years, will be a little less erratic. You’re changing your views—become less detached and more commitment oriented, which is what you love. Partnerships are taking on a more substantial duty—what we give and get on the 15th as Uranus accompanies the New Moon forcing you to make hard decisions about love. Should you stay or go is dependent on your return. Just like any other investment, it’s worth considering if it’s worth your time. You will also have drive and determination to win at any game—even in partnerships. Change is hard for anyone, but essential for growth. You have the power to evolve now! Move toward the new you with confidence, harnessing the supportive energy of the universe.
The month ends with heightened emotions as your ruler Venus flirts into your house of public affairs on the 19th. Venus’s ingress into Cancer, will create a professional success and an upgrade to your relationship status on Facebook.
Turn up the heat this month! Uranus and the New Moon take partnerships to a new level—shifting your relationship goals from serving others to understanding your needs. There may be some turbulence with others as Uranus glides into Taurus on May 15th. The best part of this transit, which you will experience over the next eight years is that you will not sell yourself short! You will learn to stand up for yourself and speak your mind. With the New Moon enhancing these areas on the 15th, as well, you are making big decisions around love. It’s possible you meet a new romantic interest, and leave your old lover behind.
When Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th, you may experience and reveal some resentments you’ve felt for a while amongst your family and friends. The anger you’ve buried will come out. Be careful not to get so heated that you isolate others. Try to explain your feelings from a detached perspective—perhaps through email, so people can hear you. It’s best to get your feelings out in the open, explaining yourself thoroughly to avoid any misunderstandings.
The Full Moon on May 29th serves as a reminder to set boundaries with others and stop doing all the work for everyone else. Put your needs first. After all, people should know not to walk all over you, Scorpio! Simply put, know your worth.
As protector of the universe, you use your fiery energy to work hard, dear Archer. May pushes you to work harder than ever, using your gregarious personality to shed hope on even the most dismal situation.
Giving back and helping others will be the focus this month. Perhaps you have a colleague who can use a leg up? It’s your duty as the office cheerleader to boost their spirits. Try not to ruffle feathers on the 12th, when Mars nudges you, making you confrontational. The 13th brings merriments to your cubicle as you offer daily fun and inspiration at work. Please be aware their emotions will be up and down on the 15th as Uranus starts to activate inconsistency with coworkers, forcing you to work extra hard to be…shall can we put it?… delightful, on the New Moon.
Your spiritual side is getting a jump start on the 25th, as you plan a fun activity for others, such as yoga or a meditation circle, giving you perspective to heal and help the gang reach enlightenment as well.
May 29th brings fun as people appreciate your efforts and celebrate you under the Full Moon. See, making time for others does pay off!
Romance is lit this month! Yes, Love is in the air for May, mighty sea horse! As the cherry blossoms fall from the trees and the birds sing in the sunlight, you’re in the mood for love. May activates your passions and desires, bringing your alluring personality out for the spring.
May 15th adds a dash of spice giving you a promising proposition from a new partner. If you are in a relationship, it’s the perfect day to reinvigorate it with a new activity. Holding hands with your sweetie as you go on a fun date will leave you blushing at nights end. Uranus is forcing you to step up your game in your dating life—making you find unique ways to express your heart. Under the New Moon you will be able to blindly communicate your romantic desires to your honey, which will allow feelings to soar on the 25th.
May 19th is all about the one you love. Sweet words perfume the air, allowing you to step up your game. Love is on your mind now; romantic gestures consume your thoughts! Plan accordingly, and accept the affection you will likely receive in return for your efforts with grace and an open heart. Let love flow!
All work and no rest can exhaust anyone, but it’s especially important to understand your own personal sense of the work/life balance this month. Knowing how much you can give to others is vital for getting through the month of May.
With Mars aligning with your Sun on May 16th, you are calling the shots. As a natural workaholic who often puts others needs before their own, you may take on too much responsibility. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to help everyone! Saying “no” sometimes will help you make sure you don’t burn the candle at both ends.
Learning to center yourself and take time out from the grind is highlighted by the New Moon May 15th. Taking some “you” time may be against your humanitarian philosophy, but you need to recharge your batteries. How can you nourish others from an empty well? Uranus’s journey over the next eight years will teach you how to balance the needs of others and your own more healthily. Though it may make you feel a tad selfish, you need to learn that you are the most important person in your life.
Your efforts get public acclaim on the 25th, just in time for the Full Moon on the 29th which will complete a charity you’ve dedicated time too. Now, that all the work is done, it’s time to relax and enjoy life.
You’re quite the chatterbox this month, Pisces! Opening up isn’t a thing you usually do, however, you’re in the mood for gossip! Be very careful who you talk to and with whom about. You aren’t generally into rumors, but keep in mind that words do spread like wildfire! Maybe stick to the phrase “Not to name names…”
That said, May is the month to express yourself. Stay focused on positive sentiments, and they will be well-received. With Mercury, Uranus, and the New Moon pushing you to communicate more efficiently, you’re feeling like talking and blabbing to others, but it’s important to think first and find the right words for all those feelings. Try to repeat facts, not fiction because your morals and motives may come into question on the 25th. Anything said earlier in the month could come back to bite you, so be careful to speak truthfully and stay out of the drama. Talking about your feelings and dreams is one thing, but it’s best to avoid negative words about others that stem from insecurities. Avoid anxiety towards the Full Moon by speaking only of others as you would want them to speak of you.
Wow, have you grown over the past few years! As Uranus leaves its alignment with your Sun sign May 15th, it’s time to reflect how you have sprouted, fierce lamb. While there may have been some ups and downs, you have certainly become an independent adult and spread your wings of independence.
When Uranus switches signs on May 15th, you will be more focused on evolving your material wealth, rather than your “look.” You’ve crafted the image; now it’s time to take control of your finances. The next eight years will bring many inventive ways to increase your bank account and draw more bling to your jewelry box. Try to be open to all financial possibilities and don’t pigeon-hole yourself to relying on one paycheck as you have the motivation to receive funding from several lucrative opportunities. The New Moon will heighten these opportunities and bring options your way.
Your ruling planet Mars moves into Aquarius May 16th, which may bring out jealousy in friendships. Because of your suave moves and savviness, others may express their previously hidden resentments towards you. In true Aries form, ignore the haters and use it as inspiration to develop your new money-making scheme on the 25th. With all this energy leading up to the end of the month, you will be the envy of town—making the haters in awe of your genius mind.