A World of Her Own: Artist Hein Koh
By Hein Koh

Hope and Sorrow
acrylic, fiberfill, glitter, spandex, string
76″H x 58″W x 14″D
“A lot of my recent work is inspired by my twin girls, hence the “twinning” of my sculptures as well as the imagery – hearts, stars, rainbows, etc. – which appear in their clothing, books, toys, etc. Being surrounded by this imagery, it has naturally seeped into my work.” – Hein Koh

Sun and Moon with Teardrop (For Ami and Oni)
acrylic, fiberfill, glitter, spandex, string, vinyl, wire
48″H x 72″W x 12″D
“As the title suggests, I made this diptych sculpture specifically for my daughters, because they went through a phase of being obsessed with the sun and moon. They would always point them out in books, as well as outside.” – Hein Koh

Eyes Without a Face
acrylic, brass chain, felt, fiberfill, glitter, spandex, string, vinyl
89″H x 72″W x 12″D

Eye Mouth Tongue
acrylic, fiberfill, glitter, spandex, string, vinyl
92″H x 72″W x 12″D

Three Lonely Hearts
acrylic, Aqua-Resin, felt, fiberfill, fiberglass, glitter, Hydrocal, spandex, string
74″H, width and depth variable
“I think of this piece as a representation of my girls and me.” – Hein Koh

Big Mother of Pearl
acrylic, Aqua-Resin, fiberfill, fiberglass, glitter, Hydrocal, rhinestones, spandex, string, styrofoam, velvet
16″ -31″H (adjustable) x 60″W x 36″D
“Subconsciously I think I am drawn to the oyster because it is such a strongly suggestive feminine symbol. I love sea plants and animals, for their strange, uncanny beauty.” – Hein Koh

Little Twin Stars
acrylic, Aqua-Resin, chicken wire, fiberglass, glitter, Hydrocal, magnets, Poly-fil, spandex, string, vinyl
73 “H x 73″W x 12″D
“This was clearly inspired by my twins. When I was a kid, I was into Sanrio characters like Hello Kitty and the “Little Twin Stars.” That phrase popped back into my head because of my twins, and I decided to make a sculpture based on it.” – Hein Koh

Little Triangle Twins
acrylic, Aqua-Resin, chicken wire, fiberglass, glitter, Hydrocal, magnets, Poly-fil, spandex, string, vinyl
73 “H x 73″W x 12″D
“This sculpture was inspired by an abstract drawing I did, connected the shapes of the triangle and phalluses. I was thinking about gender, about harmony between the masculine and feminine, and as I worked on the sculpture, then I started adding the anthropomorphic elements of the hands and eyes. Then the sculpture became more about my twins – it was as if the sculpture “gave birth” to the twins.” – Hein Koh

Double Duty (Tandem Breastfeeding)
insulating foam, Poly-fil, rope, spray paint, vinyl
66 “H x 60″W x 30″D (hanging height variable)
“This piece was specifically inspired by the experience of tandem breastfeeding my twins. While it was an amazing, bonding and loving experience, at times, it felt shackling and burdensome, hence the noose around the boob. I always felt like I was on a short leash, as I breastfed my twins every 2-3 hours. I felt it was important to make a piece expressing the conflicting feelings of motherhood. Too often it is idealized because it is taboo for mothers to admit any negative feelings about motherhood.” – Hein Koh

Mystic Pizza
acrylic, fiberfill, glitter, spandex, string, vinyl
22.5″ diameter x 4.5″H
“This piece was also inspired by my girls. They are obsessed with pizza, so I am starting to make foods that they are obsessed with.” – Hein Koh

Little Twin Stars (Hugging)
acrylic, glitter, magnets, Poly-Fil, sand, spandex, string, vinyl, wire
9″H x 12″W x 8″D